COVID-19 News: RQV is in Phase II of Nashville’s Reopening Plans. What Does That Mean?

Kayaking while Nashville reopens after covid-19

On April 23, Mayor John Cooper released a “phased reopening” plan for Nashville/Davidson County. The plan, which contains 4 phases, is contingent upon the rates of Coronavirus infections declining steadily over 14-day periods in Davidson County. As an outdoor, open-air recreation company, River Queen Voyages will be permitted to re-open when we move to Phase II. At the time of publishing this, the slated date for Phase II to begin is May 21st. However, that is only if the numbers continue to go down.

Recently, Nashville has been named as a national hotspot for COVID-19. However, these reports are not entirely accurate as per a recent correspondence from the NCVC which read in part: '“According to the Metro Nashville COVID-19 Task Force, the numbers used in the media reports reflect the larger metropolitan statistical area, which includes 13 additional counties, including Trousdale County, where a prison with a large outbreak is located. In Nashville, five of the six key metrics used to determine the safety of reopening are stable and improving. We are not seeing a spike in cases and are remaining steady at 90 to 100 cases per day. Dr. Alex Jahangir, chairman of the Metro Nashville COVID-19 Task Force, clarifies the misleading news reports in this video.”

Meanwhile, we will be continuing to serve you, our wonderful patrons, with our zero-contact Kurbside Kayak Rentals until at least Phase II of reopening begins. However, even when Phase II begins, we want to ensure we continue to operate in a way that best serves our patrons while putting the healthy and safety of everyone at the forefront of operations. We are exploring a variety of ways to approach our “new normal”, but we would love your feedback on what re-opening plans most appeal to you. Please consider filling out this short survey below and make your voice heard!

RQV’s Re-opening Survey

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COVID-19 NEWS: Keeping Kayaking Safe- Notes On Our Phase II Reopening Safety Measures


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